This entry is not meant to serve as advice to anyone in any way. It is just a way to log what I have done. I do not claim any of the theories/methods/techniques/philosophies/systems/ WhateverYouWantToCallThem as my own ideas. I just found them online and anything posted here is assuredly inferior to whatever source I got the idea from. If you are thinking about trying Intermittent Fasting (IF), LeanGains (LG), or Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT), go to the source. Conduct your own research and/or contact Martin Berkhan or Andy Morgan for a personal consultation. There is lots of free information available about all of these subjects, written by people that are much more knowledgeable than myself.
Since initially reading about LF, IF and RPT, I can see errors in how I interpreted or understood the information, and at times, simply misread it. I have also found more websites and blogs explaining the ideas in different ways, as well as re-read much of the information I used to create the plan below. As a result, I have revised my thinking on some of the information posted here. On my next cutting phase (I plan on doing this again, from 01/06/13 to 03/03/13), I will do things differently.
During the summer of 2012 (May – August), I was hiking nearly every weekend, working out 3-4 days per week and doing my best to eat healthy.My weight was down to 174 lbs and was relatively happy with the way I looked. Near the end of August, my wife and I had our first child. Six weeks (and lots of fast food) after our child was born, I found myself at 186 lbs. After a few weeks of intense cardio and being hungry all of the time, I got down to 180lbs. The weight wasn’t coming off fast enough and I was having a hard time restricting calories. Free time was also becoming scarce and I knew I would not be able to spend as much time doing cardio in the future. A few weeks prior, I had read about IF and LG. I decided that this was the perfect time to give it a shot.
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