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LeanGains Results: Round II


Here is my second cycle of using the LeanGains style of eating for the purpose of fat loss. My first 6 week cycle is documented in the blog post entitled ‘LeanGains Results: Round I.’ If you are unfamiliar with LeanGains and/or Intermittent Fasting, I recommend that you take a look at that post and the links contained within. Unless noted otherwise, I followed the same principles/procedures/methods contained within that document. This post will make much more sense if you read that post.


After my first 6 weeks of LeanGains went well, I took two weeks off from the diet and ate whatever I wanted (within reason) over the holidays. I still fasted 12-16 hours per day and tried to make sure my protein intake was high (160-200 grams per day). Initially, I was planning to do the 6 week cut (11/10/12 – 12/24/12),  then start a Body Recomposition cycle (-20/+20) after the holidays.  Since the cut was relatively easy for me, I instead decided to cut again and increase the time period to 8 weeks.

My Plan & Goals

My plan for this cycle is documented here: LeanGains Plan: Round II. In general I planned to follow what I did during my first cycle with some small modifications.

Goal-wise I wanted to lose 2 inches from my waistline (measured at navel), which I believed would reduce my body fat percentage to less than 10 over an 8 week period (1/6/13 – 3/3/13). During this cut, I hoped to maintain or increase my strength. I estimated that my final measurements would be approximately 165.0 lbs with a 30.75” waistline. According to some online calculators, that would decrease my body fat percentage to around 9.5%. To measure body fat percentage, I would use three methods: IFCalculatorSkinfold (suprailliac site only) and Naval Research Method. I would take the average of these three methods and use that number as my body fat percentage.

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Workouts ’13: Week of Mar 3

  • Hiking:
    • 1:38:00 || 3.5 mi || 119 BPM || Mountains! || 25 lb
    • Blue Mtn – Up south end trail to road, then to summit. Down road.

Mar 4, 2013

  • Running:
    • 0:13:00 || 1.2 mi || flat
  • Walking:
    • 0:40:00 || 2.2 mi || flat
  • Chin-Up:
    • 5 reps
    • 3 reps || weighted || 70 lb
    • 3 reps || weighted || 60 lb
    • 4 reps || weighted || 50 lb
    • 10 reps
  • Body Weight Squat:
    • 20 reps
  • Barbell Squat:
    • 95 lb x 8 reps
    • 135 lb x 4 reps
    • 185 lb x 8 reps
    • 95 lb x 20 reps
  • Barbell Curl:
    • 58 lb x 10 reps
    • 78 lb x 12 reps
    • 78 lb x 10 reps
  • Plate Pinch:
    • 25 lb x 75 sec

Mar 5, 2013

  • Walking:
    • 0:20:00 || 1 mi || flat
  • Body Weight Squat:
    • 25 reps
    • 25 reps
    • 25 reps
    • Notes:
      • DOMS Damage Control
  • Walking:
    • 0:40:00 || 2.2 mi || flat (+81 pts)
  • Elbow-Supported Dumbbell External Rotation:
    • 10 lb x 12 reps (+18 pts)
    • 10 lb x 12 reps (+18 pts)
  • Internal Shoulder Cuff Rotation (Lucky Cat):
    • 10 lb x 10 reps
    • 10 lb x 10 reps
  • Cable External Rotation:
    • 20 lb x 10 reps
    • 20 lb x 10 reps
  • Barbell Bench Press:
    • 95 lb x 8 reps
    • 135 lb x 4 reps
    • 185 lb x 4 reps
    • 205 lb x 1 reps
    • 225 lb x 5 reps
    • Notes:
      • Disappointed with 225 x 5. Was hoping for a set of 8 or so, but had a hard time controlling the weight. Will try 210 for max reps next week.
  • Dumbbell Bench Press:
    • 55 lb x 12 reps
    • 55 lb x 12 reps
  • Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP):
    • 40 lb x 10 reps
    • 75 lb x 7 reps
    • 105 lb x 4 reps
    • 115 lb x 5 reps
    • 105 lb x 6 reps
    • 95 lb x 6 reps
  • Body Weight Squat:
    • 25 reps
    • 25 reps


  • Walking:
    • 0:20:00 || 1 mi || track
  • Body Weight Squat:
    • 25 reps
    • 25 reps


  • Walking:
    • 0:40:00 || 2.2 mi || flat
  • Barbell Deadlift:
    • 95 lb x 10 reps
    • 135 lb x 8 reps
    • 185 lb x 6 reps
    • 235 lb x 4 reps
    • 275 lb x 10 reps
    • 265 lb x 7 reps
    • 235 lb x 10 reps
    • Notes:
      • Set 5(275)- used hooks
  • Dips – Chest Version:
    • 8 reps (+29 pts)
    • 8 reps || weighted || 50 lb
    • 8 reps || weighted || 35 lb
    • 16 reps
  • Wide-Grip Pull-Up:
    • 11 reps
    • 8 reps
  • Hiking:
    • 1:15:00 || 2 mi || moderate hills || 25 lbPrado Lane family walk

LeanGains Journal: Round II

Please note, the entries for Weeks 1-5 were written during week 6, using some notes I had taken. During week 6 I decided that I should make the journal entries a weekly exercise to log how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking. 

Week 1: Jan 6 – Jan 13, 2013


First week back to restricting calories and carb/fat cycling. The start of the week was tough, but I got back into the groove quickly. My intake was in line with my goals on rest days, but I found myself wanting to eat more on training days. I am curious if this will continue or if it’s just my body readjusting to the diet.

Carbs (g) Protein (g) Fat   (g) Calories
Average 135 197 46 1722 kCal
Rest Day 62 181 55 1464 kCal
Training 234 207 34 2056 kCal

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Reaching for LeanGains’ Advanced Strength Goals

Long term goals….

Based on an entry found on, I’d like to ‘qualify’ for the strength level designated as ‘highly advanced.’ Berkhan states that reaching this level “falls in line with what could be considered the pinnacle of physique and strength development for most average and natural trainers.”

If I am capable of reaching this level, I don’t know how long I should expect it to take. For now, I’ll say I want to be there by 2015. To qualify, I’d need to complete all of lifts listed in the ‘Advanced’ column, as well as reach one lift in the elite column. Assuming my body weight is 170 lbs, here are the magic numbers. Body weight is abbreviated as ‘BW’:

Exercise  Multiplier  Advanced   Elite
Barbell Bench Press  BW x 1.5 (advanced) | BW x 1.8 (elite)  255 lbs  306 lbs
 Chin-ups BW x 1.5 /15 reps with BW | body weight x 1.8/20 reps (elite)  255 lbs or 15 reps x BW  306 lbs or 20 reps x BW
 Squats  BW x 2  | BW x 2.4 (elite)  340 lbs   408 lbs
 Deadlifts  BW x 2 | BW x 3 (elite)  425 lbs  505 lbs

I’ve highlighted the numbers that I have the most realistic shot of reaching. The toughest will be hitting the advanced squat level. I wouldn’t be surprised if I were able to eventually hit the elite lifts for Barbell Bench Press and Chin-ups &  possibly even Deadlifts. My squatting is so poor, I believe I will hit the elite level for deads before hitting the advanced level for squats.

Workouts ’13: Week of Feb 10

Feb 11, 2013

  • Barbell Squat:
    • 20 reps
    • 95 lb x 20 reps
  • Dumbbell Squat:
    • 40 lb x 12 reps
  • Goblet Squat (kettlebell):
    • 85 lb x 12 reps
  • Chin-Up:
    • 8 reps (+49 pts)
    • 4 reps || weighted || 60 lb
    • 5 reps || weighted || 55 lb
    • 5 reps || weighted || 50 lb
    • 6 reps || weighted || 25 lb
  • Barbell Curl:
    • 52 lb x 12 reps
    • 62 lb x 10 reps
    • 62 lb x 10 reps
    • FAT bar (grip)
  • Plate Pinch:
    • 25 lb x 90 sec
    • 25 lb x 45 sec
  • Walking:
    • 0:40:00 || 2.5 mi || flat )

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Workouts ’13: Week of Feb 3

Feb 3, 2013
  • Body Weight Squat:
    • 20 reps
  • Goblet Squat (dumbbell):
    • 60 lb x 12 reps
    • 70 lb x 12 reps
    • 80 lb x 10 reps
  • Chin-Up:
    • 8 reps (+49 pts)
    • 3 reps || weighted || 60 lb
    • 4 reps || weighted || 55 lb
    • 5 reps || weighted || 50 lb
    • 7 reps || weighted || 25 lb
  • Barbell Curl:
    • 50 lb x 8 reps
    • 70 lb x 10 reps
    • 70 lb x 8 reps

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Workouts ’13: Week of Jan 27

Jan 28, 2013

  • Body Weight Squat
    • 20 reps
  • Goblet Squat (dumbbell):
    • 50 lb x 12 reps
    • 60 lb x 12 reps
    • 60 lb x 12 reps
    • 60 lb x 12 reps
  • Chin-Up:
    • 8 reps
    • 3 reps || weighted || 55 lb
    • 4 reps || weighted || 50 lb
    • 5 reps || weighted || 45 lb
    • 7 reps || weighted || 25 lb
  • Barbell Curl:
    • 48 lb x 8 reps
    • 68 lb x 10 reps
    • 68 lb x 8 reps

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